Cardboard tubes & wall art

Cardboard tubes (toilet paper rolls, toilet tubes) probably fill up a significant part of anybody’s trash can. There are infinite possibilities for repurposing that unsightly part of our bathroom inventory.

Here's one of them: you can flatten the tubes and cut them into smaller pieces. These can then be used as petals which you glue together to make different shapes.

Take a look at these examples:

1) a simple,  abstract shape - tutorial available at Growing up creative

2) a chubby flowery shape - by myrtle&eunice

3) square shaped decorations:

by uknown author:

4) an enriched form: petals glued to a colored paper or cardboard. Branches are optional!

5) the same technique can be used to decorate smaller surfaces such as a photo frame, as seen on

Extra tip: if you want to color bigger areas in one color, it would be easier to use spray paint than a brush.

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